Fire Suppression System
- 1Ghz Pentium or equivalent processor
- 256MB RAM memory (recommended 1GB)
- 10GB Hard Drive (20GB recommended if many maps are to be used)
- 32MB or better graphics card
- Monitor must support 1024 x 768 graphics driver
- One RS232 serial port per network
- Choice of text, graphic, and event list display when event occurs
- Cost effective compared to other systems
- Display and control for multiple panels
- Event history can be viewed, filtered and exported to text or HTML documents
- FireNET & FireNET Plus control panels can send data to, and be controlled by, the FireNET graphix system providing a single point of coordination for all alarms.
- The powerful 32 bit program features a standard Windows® look and feel.
- The system has a wide range of configurability options, and can utilize maps, photographs, audio or a combination of all if required.
- User profiles allow the system manager to control the access level of each individual user.
- A comprehensive history logging and reporting system allows analysis of events and trends to be identified to reduce unwanted alarms.
Easy to program and simple to use, FireNET graphix provides a cost effective solution for fire alarm management at many levels